Navigating Part IX of the Drug Tariff

Part IX of the NHS Drug Tariff is a comprehensive section that covers a wide range of medical appliances, dressings, and chemical reagents permitted for NHS prescription. This essential part ensures that patients receive the necessary medical supplies while providing clear reimbursement guidelines for pharmacies. In this post, we'll explore the four segments of Part IX: IXA, IXB, IXC, and IXR and their significance in the dispensing process, as streamlined by Drug Tariff Pro.

Overview of Part IX Sections

Part IXA: Permitted Appliances and Dressings

This section lists allowed appliances and dressings. Only the items specified in this section are permitted on NHS prescriptions, with no claims for Out of Pocket expenses or Broken Bulk allowed on these items.

Part IXB: Incontinence Appliances

The Incontinence Appliance section contains products such as belts, sheaths, and tubes, listing their products, codes, pack sizes, and prices. Out of Pocket expenses may be claimed for items in this section.

Part IXC: Stoma Appliances

The Stoma Appliance section offers detailed listings of stoma care products. Like Part IXB, Out of Pocket expenses are claimable for items within this section.

Part IXR: Chemical Reagents

This segment is dedicated to chemical reagents permissible on NHS prescriptions, with strict adherence to listed pack sizes. Part IXR ensures that only specified reagents are dispensed, maintaining control over the quality and availability of these crucial diagnostic tools. No claims for Out of Pocket expenses are allowed for items in this section.

Significance for Pharmacy Contractors

Understanding and efficiently navigating Part IX of the NHS Drug Tariff is crucial for pharmacy contractors. It not only ensures compliance with NHS prescribing guidelines but also aids in the accurate reimbursement for dispensed items. Each section of Part IX has specific rules regarding Out of Pocket expenses and Broken Bulk claims, highlighting the need for careful attention to detail in claims processing.

Streamlining Part IX Navigation with Drug Tariff Pro

Drug Tariff Pro simplifies the complexity of Part IX, condensing the information across its four segments into a user-friendly platform. Key features include:

  • Comprehensive Listings:

    Access to an integrated database of appliances, dressings, and chemical reagents, categorized for easy reference.

  • Out of Pocket Expenses Guidance:

    Clear indications of which sections allow for Out of Pocket expense claims, streamlining the reimbursement process.

  • All sections of Part IX consolidated to one resource

    Allowing you to easily search for the appliance you want information on, instead of trying to find which subsection you need too search in.


Part IX of the NHS Drug Tariff plays a pivotal role in the dispensing of medical appliances and chemical reagents, ensuring that patients have access to essential medical supplies. For pharmacies, mastering the intricacies of Part IX is key to compliance and financial management. Drug Tariff Pro offers the tools and insights needed to navigate this complex section effectively.